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Inside Pastificio's Kitchen

"I don't know, man...I just started eating pasta and I was like..."

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

This couldn't be more true! At least for us at Pastificio! There is just something so heavenly about pasta "fatta in casa." Is it the prime quality of all the ingredients? Is it its ability to combine so naturally with the flavors of a lovely homemade sauce? Is it simply because of its simplicity as a meal? Is it the immense time and care that one endures during the preparation? Or is it the passion and love it exudes in every plate? Pasta "fatta in casa" is by all means an art that unfortunately is commonly overlooked among the general population. Naturally, this is due to the convenience of the commercial product. However, when one has the opportunity to try artisanal pasta, the difference in quality and taste becomes very clear. Not only is the flavor more pronounced, it is the healthy alternative to the marketed product. It is typically made with only fresh, natural ingredients and does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives. As a result, it is actually lighter and more easily digested by the body. Simply, it's just better for you!

Obviously, it might seem unrealistic for some to always seek out artisanally made pastas, however it is not as difficult as one might think. The next time you go grocery shopping, check to see if there are any artisanal options or simply search the web to see if there are any shops in your area that offer it. If you have the means to purchase pasta "fatta in casa," please do so, you won't regret it.

For over 40 years, knowing the importance of fresh pasta and its art, Pastificio! has always strived to offer its customers only the best of this wonderful speciality. As many may know, we make a wide variety of fresh dry pasta as well as fresh frozen stuffed pastas. And luckily for you, we ship nationally! One of Pastificio's main priority, a side from serving its customers a top-quality product, is to educate them about the principles of pasta making.

Today, let's just focus on the most obvious factor - the ingredients.

In it's most basic form, pasta is just water and flour. However, most artisanal pastas are made with the addition of egg. Thus, pasta is just flour, water, and eggs. Simple as that! The use of fresh ingredients is very critical in the preparation of pasta as it can affect the overall outcome of the product. The main ingredient in pasta making is unquestionably flour, more specifically wheat flour. Its quality is essential in that its freshness, texture, type and quantity of gluten determine the final quality of the pasta made. In essence, the better the flour, the better the pasta!

There is quite the variety of wheat flour that can be used in making artisanal pasta. In fact, similar to the diversity of traditional dishes found throughout the regions of Italy, the type of flour used is most generally, but not always, influenced by the region of which it's made. For example, in northern Italy, pasta is usually made with "grano tenero." This is a finely ground soft (or winter) wheat. A variety that grows well in the damp climates of the north. It is low in gluten proteins which, along with the additional protein of eggs, results in a more tender pasta. In many regions of southern Italy, pasta is made from a variety known as "durum" wheat. This is a higher-protein wheat that grows well in semiarid climates. It contains strong gluten proteins which result in a firm textured pasta. Also its gluten, rather than being elastic, is extensible, yielding in a more easily pliable dough that holds its shape well. It is important to note that bread flour should never be use the preparation of pasta, because it contains a type of gluten that is strong and elastic making it difficult to roll into thin sheets of pasta as it has a tendency of "springing back."

Though "grano tenero" is often preferred when making pasta at home, pasta shops and restaurants almost always use a blend of durum and semolina flours to make the pasta more durable and more manageable. With this being said, you can only imagine what we at Pastificio! use. Yup, that's right! We use only wheat durum and semolina flours! But wait, what is semolina?

Semolina is the inner endosperm of durum wheat. The endosperm is the part of the wheat that contains most of the wheat's protein, carbohydrates, iron, B-vitamins and fiber. More specifically, semolina is hard, grainy, golden yellow in color and mildly nutty in flavor. It is available milled in a various grades of fineness, but it is known that the finer the semolina, the better when making pasta. Durum is considered the more expensive options of wheats and in the past was used to make only the most expensive dried pasta in Italy. Now-a-days, Italian law requires all commercial pasta to be made from 100 percent durum semolina.


As we promise, Pastificio's pasta, is only made from the best ingredients. That being durum and semolina flours and grade AA eggs. And most importantly made with no preservatives or additives! This is just one reason as to why we encourage you to enjoy Pastificio's pasta. Among the others are....

  • Pastificio's pasta is virtually FAT FREE (2 grams per serving).

  • Pastificio's pasta yields approximately 50% more than its wet counterpart (making the cost of our dry pasta less expensive!)

  • Because it is fresh dry pasta, Pastificio's pasta lasts for 6 to 12 months, whereas wet pasta must be consumed within 1-2 days unless preservatives were added.

  • Pastificio's pasta can be stored in any dry sunless area.

Remember, even if you can't make it to our shop, we do ship nationally! Don't hesitate to call or write us with any of your questions or concerns!

Now...back to my problems......?

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